Blog Followers

I love followers. I love to hear the roar of adulation, as my readers hang breathless on every word, waiting for the next pearl of wisdom to drop from my mouth…


Well, we all know that’s a load of camel ejecta,


but I do enjoy knowing that there are folks who like to read what I write. So it always puts a smile on my face when I see that someone has followed my blog. However, the smiles can turn to tears when I see that it’s just another follower who added himself or herself via an automated bot[1], as I discussed here and here.

If you’re a blogger, don’t do this. If you follow my blog and it’s clear that you’re doing it for only one purpose – to increase your own rankings – I will report your blog as spam, and it will most likely be deleted. On the other hand, if you really like what I have to say, feel free to hang around… and tell your friends. I could always use a bit more applause.

Edit: I now have over 1,000 followers. I wish all of these were real, but I’m grateful for the good people who stop in to read and enjoy.


The Old Wolf has spoken.

[1] An example is Programs like this are scum. Don’t use them.

20 responses to “Blog Followers

  1. Fair enough. I didn’t even know there were auto follow-bots. Can they automate liking as well? (I have a few suspected automated likers) My pet peev is when people follow you and it’s clear they’re only doing it to get you to follow them. It’s so cold. There’s no humanity in that, is there?

  2. I am amazed by the way you are sharing your photos I remember how
    down town was so much fun
    A friend of mine was talking about how much
    down town salt lake was
    we were doing the remember how and what was on 300 so.Main street to state st. How ironic is that.
    love your picture’s don’t stop giving me the opportunity to see your messages.
    with Natalie Herrera
    slc Utah

  3. Hi Mr. Wolf:
    I learned of your blog via a friend who knew that you check out your sources.
    He sent me a link to your remarkable brass teapot post of a few years ago. The actual origins are a mystery.
    I write a blog about Jerusalem. I have been studying Arabic, and also your “Simple People” prints reminded me of street scenes even today.

    1) May I share these 2 posts with my readers? My blog is called savyatseventy.
    I also hate when I see my illustrations picked off my blog. Don’t you publish photos that are not your own?

    2) looked further and you are adamant about not sharing photos even when they are linked to your blog. Or did I misread you?
    3) LASTLY, about “Meatless Tuesdays”. Was your youth spent in NYC? Did you realize that kosher deli’s closed on Tuesday to support the war effort? and also because of the short supply of meat period. By closing,it appears that less Jewish workers in the industry would be laid off. From those days meatless tuesdays, until today that practice is still followed. Of-course the 1,000 kosher deli’s have dwindled to a handful today.
    All the best,
    Ida Farkash Jerusalem

    • I will sometimes publish photos that are not my own, for example, from, but always try to link back to the original source. Anything you find here can be shared freely – just mention where it came from, either my blog or the original location.

      You are welcome to re-blog the two articles you mentioned, I’m glad you liked them.

      Yes, I grew up in NYC – I wasn’t aware that Tuesday closings were related to meatless Tuesday, but I lament the loss of so many kosher delis.

      Thanks for your comments!

  4. I didn’t know there was any such thing as auto follow bots, either. How do you spot them? I’ve had a couple of followers where I haven’t been able to click through to their blog – is that them?

    I am very new to blogging, and also struggle for energy and concentration, so my tiny new blog is currently on hold til I can do it justice. I only managed a few weeks before I was just too knackered to keep up reading everything I’m supposedly following, as well as writing my stuff. I’m rarely on here now, but I stumbled on this blog while I was Googling something I suspected was a scam – which it was.

    Great concept for a really helpful blog! If only the rest of mankind were as helpful, eh?

    L. X

    • The deluge of automatic followers appears to have abated somewhat. I haven’t seen many recently. It’s pretty easy to spot someone who is following you to try to get backlinks to their own blog, especially if it’s in another language, or unrelated to your content. The fact that I reported hundreds of them to WordPress may have helped encourage WP to upgrade their algorithms.

      Good luck on your own blogging!

  5. I came in contact with the enchanted besig coins. I heard a voice saying,Look it up. I did. I knew something looked and felt strange. I cut it up.I said a prayer . I am glad i am a saved and born again. Be aware of St.Matthrew Churches. Now i know why they ask for money all the time. God knows a perdon hesrt. Watch out .The closing. WE PUT MANY THINGS ON CREDIT CARDS.

  6. Hello, Old Wolf. I come here once more to seek your sage advice.

    I know that the commercial scum followers should be treated like the plague and reported. But how about those foreigners who speak nary a single lick of English? I’ve had several of these for some time now, and calling them out is a fool’s errand — comparable to playing chess with a parrot.

    As of writing, I’ve had Spaniards, Brazilians and the occasional Frenchman coming over. Have you had the same experience, and how do you deal with them.

    Very much appreciate your advice. Thank you!

  7. Pingback: 320 – On A 2022 First Quarter Update, Part 3: Tweaks And Thoughts | The Monching's Guide

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