Innsbruck: Olympic Villages (1975)

Prior to and during the Winter Olympics of 1976,  I lived in the old Olympic Village which had been constructed for the 1964 games, and which were later converted into apartments.

Innsbruck - Old olympic village


1964 Olympic Village, Innsbruck

Outside the window of my apartment, one could see the final preparations being placed on the new Olympic Village; some athletes had already begun to move in.

Innsbruck - Elder Swenson at Olympic Village


New Olympic Village in final stages of preparation

Innsbruck - Olympic Village - Communist Flag


Flag of the USSR being displayed from a window

Innsbruck - February 1976 - Olympic Flames


While my circumstances did not allow for visiting any of the events, we were able to visit a number of venues prior to the games, and it was possible to see the ski jumping event and the Olympic flames in the stadium from the train station.

Innsbruck - Olympic Stadium from Train Station


The excitement in the city during the games was palpable. I felt this decades later as I volunteered during the winter Olympics of 2002 in Salt Lake City; these games are the event of a lifetime, and Innsbruck was fortunate to be able to host the games twice within 12 years.

The Old Wolf has spoken.

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